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2023 Homecoming Registration

We are pleased to announce that MHS Homecoming Weekend
will be held on Sept. 21-24, 2023.

You may register for Homecoming events by mail or online. Advance registration is required for all events to assist in planning and cost management. Many events require that your MHS Alumni Association dues are paid and valid for Sept. 1, 2023 – Aug. 31, 2024. No walk-ins will be admitted.

MHSAA Dues: Graduates from the Classes of 2018-23 and lifetime members of MHSAA are not required to pay dues. All other graduates may pay annual membership dues with their Homecoming registration. For details about lifetime membership and dues, please contact the MHSAA Office at 717.520.2045.

MHSAA Voting Online or by Mail
Remember to vote for MHSAA Board of Directors using the ballot included with this brochure, or online at director-ballot/

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